I was reading Laura Ingraham’s book The Obama Diaries today over lunch. I read the following quote and
wanted to expound upon it.
“[Textbooks and teachers] also teach young people that it’s
perfectly acceptable to loathe America while taking full advantage of all the
benefits of living here.”
This reminded me of a belief that I’ve never fully thought
through and has always sat on the “back burner” of my mind, so to speak. But
I’ve thought it through now and say, with confidence, that if you don’t like
America, LEAVE.
If you don’t like it, go find some place else that will
allow you all the freedoms and opportunities you have here while somehow also
fitting into whatever world view you’ve concocted. And good luck.
The reason, I think, that I’ve subconsciously rejected the
idea of actually speaking this out loud is that it’s really harsh. And, believe
it or not, I’m not a mean person. Plus, isn’t America supposed to be a “melting
pot” of people and culture and ideas?
Yes! My idea doesn’t run counter to that, even if it seems
to on the surface. But look deeper.
Wanting America to advance, wanting to fix problems and
improve even more on this great society is not only okay but laudable. It’s
those who seek to transform our country, to make it something that it’s not, to
subvert the very intuitions that made our country exceptional: it’s those
people with whom I have a problem.
I’ve stayed in quite a few hotels. If I have a problem with the
hotel I’m staying in, what do I do (well, first I talk to the manager…my
metaphor isn’t perfect. Stick with me.)? Do I demand that the hotel fix its
backwards, unprogressive ways? Do I lead the staff in a
complimentary-toiletry-armed workers’ revolution? Do I eat as much food as I
could possibly stomach at the continental breakfast to try to “hit them where
it hurts?” No. I leave.
I go to the hotel across the street. Besides, they have a
But the fact of the matter is, there is no place as good as
America. You could go to Canada or Western Europe for your free healthcare but
you’d better be ready to get taxed to death.
You could go to China for your wealth redistribution but
you’d better get ready to give up any opinion that isn’t endorsed by the
state…if you want to live, that is.
Perhaps you’d like to move to Cuba: the socialist “paradise”
that people are risking their very lives to flee every day. The good news is,
you wouldn’t have to worry about any other boat traffic in that direction. You
might see a lot of people with empty oil barrels strapped to their ’58 Chevy heading
back the other way.
There’s always the option of moving to Latin America. I know
a good bulletproof vest manufacturer I’d be happy to recommend.
Finally, there’s the most difficult option of all: perhaps
you could take a look around you and consider the idea the America isn’t such a
bad place after all and that attempting to impose your will on your neighbors
isn’t fair.
After all, Constitutional governance isn’t about the
imposition of anyone’s will on anyone else. Rather, it is a system by which we
maintain the Civil Society for our posterity.
Join with us to help build a stronger America for ourselves
and our children.
Or don’t. And find some other place to screw up.
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