Thursday, September 20, 2012

Maybe We're the RINOs

A thought occurred to me today. Conservatives often use the term "RINOs" (Republican In Name Only) to refer to members of the Republican party who don't share the values of the party's base. People like the "establishment" types, those who run as Republicans simply because the Democrat spot on the ticket was full, and so forth.

But, after the crap that was pulled at the Convention, I'm starting to wonder. Maybe, just maybe, we're the RINOs. Maybe the Republican party has left its base so far in the dust that we conservatives just aren't Republicans anymore.

Don't get me wrong, I'm definitely not calling for any third-party nonsense. Trust me. As a Canadian, I know how badly this works. But I just don't know if we can take back what once was our party.

Monday, September 17, 2012

#Occupy 2012

Later today (I really need to go to bed), I'm going to be heading to a rally celebrating the one year anniversary of the Occupy Wall Street protests. When it comes to news, I often find myself thinking "wow, that was a year ago already?" However, with #Occupy, my thought is closer to "wow, it's only been a year?"

The fact is, #Occupy dropped off the map so quickly, it became a distant memory almost instantly. Truly, this was no Tea Party.

You can expect loads of photos later. I can only imagine what stories I'll have.